Real wood flooring remains as popular as ever. With their vast experience and expertise, Acorn can guide you through all stages of your wood flooring project:
Measuring, planning, and designing your floor layout
Selecting the type and grade of wood to use (eg first-grade oak, or third-grade maple)
Choosing the style of wood (unfinished – requiring sanding in situ – or prefinished – simply requiring fitting)
Preparing and fitting your floor
Sanding using a low-dust machine sander
Sealing using low-maintenance lacquers, oil-based finishes, or custom stains
The benefits of wood flooring extend beyond simply the aesthetic.
Wood flooring is easy to clean, hard-wearing, and environmentally friendly. Engineered wood is often used as a substitute, but solid wood floors have a thicker wear surface and stand up to sanding more than an engineered wood floor. This means their lifespan is longer.
If you decide a wooden floor is for you, it is first of all essential to find a fitter who undertakes preparation of the surface area and can assist with careful selection of the wood based on a unique environment.

A simple maintenance programme will extend your floor’s life. In almost all cases, actions as simple as using rugs and throws, regularly vacuuming, avoiding standard cleaning products, and mopping spills away quickly can greatly benefit your floor.
However, in the event that damage occurs, or your floor suffers from the effect of sustained direct sunlight or bleaching, Acorn provides a full sanding, sealing, and restoration service.
Contact Us to request the Acorn guide on effectively maintaining your wooden floor.